金剛山 安福寺 : 真言宗 豊山派 茨城県つくば市 鼠心経 大師様
安福寺略記 Brief History of Ampuku-ji Temple 境内のご案内 Guide of precincts 行事のお知らせ Information of event 交通アクセス Access Map 金剛山 安福寺 トップページへ Go to Top

金剛山 安福寺 HOME境内のご案内 Guide of precincts

境内のご案内 Guide of precincts

安福寺の景観 View of Anpukuji Temple
久遠の響 一. 父も聞いたよ 母も聞いた ずっと昔の 曽祖父も 金剛山の 鐘の音を 久遠の響 耳にあり 二. 椎の葉陰に 見え隠る 鐘楼堂に 上り来て その壮厳な 色形 久遠の響 いまだ残る

Here you will find an elegantly quiet atmosphere around the Main Hall of temple. In the plum tree garden at the west side of the yard you can enjoy plum blossoms in March. In the yard cherry blossoms come out in early April. The leaves of old trees turn yellow at the end of October, and you can see the whole view from the Exposition Avenue.

安福寺の景観 View of Anpukuji Temple

岩室の大師様 Daishi-sama(The Sixty Image of Kohboh-Daishi)

The images now seen at the side of the Main Hall were once enshrined in a cave which was made by two faithful old men of the village named Miyanosuke Okano and Shigeru Ogawa about twenty-five years ago. They had dug out the cave of 45 meters (148feet) length in two years all by themselves. The cave still remains but it is now closed.

大師石仏 Daishi-sama 歴代住職御廟 弘法大師1,150年御遠忌供養塔

万人講の太子堂 Daishido for Manninko

A wooden image of Kohboh-daishi is enshrined in Daishido, a small temple built early in Showa Period. Wood plates attached to the temple show the old record of donation, saying, for example, “donation: ten cents” or “donation: twenty cents”. Built at the top of the stone steps surrounded with a clump of trees, Daishido for manninko has long received worship from pious men and women, who can have the honor of seeing the peaceful face of Kohboh-daishi here.

万人講の大師堂 Daishido for Manninko

安福寺の寺宝 Treasure of Ampukuji-Temple

Ampukuji-Temple has a lot of treasures and ancient documents. Among them, the temple especially boasts Nezumi-shingyo, a scroll of the sutra, which is considered to rank with national treasures because it is believed to have been written by Kohboh-daishi. himself. The Nezumi-shingyo is said to have originally been the treasure of Yagihashi Family whose ancestor worked, as one of Edo-Castle maids, for ‘Shogun’ Tokugawa Yoshinobu. Later on, Yagihashi Family supposedly presented Nezumi-shingyo to Ampuku-ji Temple. The paper quality of the scroll is assessed to be the same as that used at the time of Kohboh-daishi. The signatures of Ryoi and Ryohan, two connoisseurs in Edo Period, are found on the wooden case of the scroll, which guarantees the handwriting is Kohboh-daishi’s own one.

鼠心経(空海直筆)Nezumi-Shingyo (the scroll of sacred theachings by Kohbohdaishi written by himself, which is estimated to as valuable as a national tresure),

静かに眠る無縁塔 Pagoda Breathes in the Deepening Autumn

On the east side on the way to the main hall, mossy five-wheel pagodas and a stone image of Cintamanicakra (Nyoirin-kannon) are placed on gravestones. Remains of hundreds of Muenbotoke, or deceased people without any living relatives to pray for their soul, brought from various regions are laid to rest for eternal sleep under the pagodas, with their silent presence.

深みゆく秋へ呼吸す無縁塔 Pagoda Breathes in the Deepening Autumn

大師堂 Daishido (Hall for Kohboh-daishi)

「 南無大師病なかれと願いつつ 祈る心は大橋の寺 」 の額がある。

Shohsai, the 38th chief priest of Ampuku-ji Temple built the 40th pilgrimage temple in honor of Kohboh-daishi, in the 31st year of Showa Period, together with followers of Kohboh-daishi. The sedentary image of Kohboh-daishi is placed in the hall to drive away evil spirits. Members of each local Buddhist assembly, making a pilgrimage, gather in the hall to participate in the grand religious service.

Within the hall is placed a framed piece of paper that shows a pilgrim’s song
worship Kohboh-daishi
Wishing for well-being with no illness
At the temple of Ohashi
(lyrics by one of followers)

大師堂 Daishido (Hall for Kohboh-daishi)
大師堂 Daishido (Hall for Kohboh-daishi)

鐘楼堂 Shohrodo( Belfry )



The belfry was erected in 1964 and bell in it weighs 244 kilograms. The bell tower was contributed by the parishioners and it is made of ’zelkova’ wood. It stands near the gate of the temple(Niohmon)

鐘楼堂 Shohrodo (Belfry)

大仁王門(楼門)Niohmon ( The Main Gate of Temple )

Niohmon was built in 1984 in memory of the late learned priest Kohbohdaishi who passed away 1,150 years ago. On April 30th 1984 a memorial service was held for him is the temple in which thirty priests participated to praise the great teachings of him. More the one thousand men and woman attended the ceremonial service.



Niohmon is made of ‘zelkova’ ( a kind oftree commonly used for building temples and castles).
It is 10.5 meters ( 35 feet ) high, 11 meters ( 36feet )wide, with 8.4 meters ( 28feet )frontage and 7meters ( 23feet )depth, Inside both wings of Niohmon a pair of giant gold plated bronze statues stand firm with their feet a little apart and with big swards in their hands in order to guard the holy place from evils.

大仁王門(楼門)Niohmon ( The Main Gate of Temple )
椎の大木 Chinquapin gigantic tree
毎月の掲示板   つくばとげぬき地蔵尊   ぼけ封じぽっくり観世音
延命地蔵   火ぶせ大使   七福神

金剛山 安福寺 : 真言宗 豊山派 茨城県つくば市西大橋459 TEL:029-856-4515 FAX:029-855-0048 Copyright 金剛山 安福寺 All Rights Reserved.